Eileen Ryan, a seasoned histrion and matriarch of the Hollywood household that includes histrion Sean Penn, died astatine her location connected Sunday, according to a connection shared by Penn’s publicist. She was 94.
Ryan would person turned 95 connected October 16. No details connected her origin of decease were provided.
Ryan appeared successful implicit 60 tv shows and films implicit her decades-long career, enjoying turns successful genre fare specified arsenic 2002’s “Eight Legged Freaks” and “Feast” successful 2005. She besides appeared successful acclaimed films “Magnolia” successful 1999 and 2001’s “I Am Sam.”

Her tv credits see “The Twilight Zone” successful 1960, on with “E.R.”, “Ally McBeal” and “NYPD Blue” immoderate 35 years later.
Ryan, calved Eileen Annucci, met her husband, precocious manager Leo Penn, successful 1957 successful New York City astatine rehearsals for “The Iceman Cometh,” according to the statement.
The brace moved successful unneurotic wrong a week of meeting, and joined a fewer months later, the connection added. Their matrimony lasted 41 years until Leo Penn died successful 1998.
In summation to Sean Penn, the mates were parents to lad Michael Penn, vocalist of the precocious ’80s deed azygous “No Myth,” and precocious histrion Chris Penn, who appeared successful high-profile films including “Reservoir Dogs” and “True Romance.”
Chris Penn died successful January 2006 astatine the property of 40.