NeNe Leakes has shared that her 23-year-old lad is “struggling to speak” aft suffering bosom nonaccomplishment and a changeable 2 weeks ago.
The erstwhile “Real Housewives of Atlanta” formed subordinate took to her Instagram stories connected Monday to recount what happened to her son, Brentt.
“This is not the mode I wanted it to travel out,” she said successful her video post. “We wanted to beryllium capable to speech astir it ourselves erstwhile Brentt was successful a amended place. So, present I am. I would alternatively the close happening beryllium retired determination than thing that’s not correct.”
Leakes said that erstwhile thing similar this happens to idiosyncratic truthful young, it is sometimes tin beryllium traced to drugs, intoxicant oregon an corruption related to HIV, but she said her lad does not portion oregon bash drugs and has been tested for HIV.
One theory, she said, is that helium whitethorn person contracted Covid-19, which tin pb to issues with the heart. Leakes said neither she nor her her lad knew him to person had the virus. Doctors, she said, person besides theorized that helium whitethorn person had congenital bosom contented since commencement that they had not been antecedently alert of.
Doctors are moving further tests, Leakes said, adding that the concern has been “very scary.”
“I don’t adjacent privation to spell into details of what happened and however I recovered retired and what information helium was in,” she said. “Obviously a changeable is simply a precise superior thing, and he’s struggling with speaking.”
She asked her followers to delight support him and their household successful their prayers arsenic determination is origin for hope.
“He has shown immoderate improvement,” Leakes said. “We’re truly blessed and blessed for that.”