On smartphone cameras, the Seattle Mariners, and disappointment

Trending 2 years ago

There’s the odor of sizzling sausage, car exhaust, and late-season playoff hopes successful the aerial connected Tuesday nighttime arsenic I transverse the thoroughfare toward the stadium. I’m carrying a neon greenish Mariners fanny battalion crossed my thorax (that’s however the kids are wearing them, right?!?) loaded with the essentials: my ID, Kleenex, a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra, and an iPhone 14 Pro. The extortion of T-Mobile Park hangs unfastened implicit the adjacent railway, looming similar the Death Star, and I caput toward an entranceway with a fewer things connected my agenda, successful nary peculiar order:

  • Cheer connected the Mariners arsenic they decidedly hopefully delight beloved deity extremity a 20-year playoff drought (Editor’s Note: They did, successful fact, end the drought past night)
  • Collect the Mariners-branded flannel garment my summons entitles maine to (we similar to support things on-brand present successful Seattle)
  • Test retired the cameras connected the 14 Pro and S22 Ultra
  • Figure retired if I’m wearing this fanny battalion right

I chose these 2 phones successful peculiar due to the fact that they’re 2 of the champion you tin bargain close now. They besides contiguous importantly antithetic camera diagnostic sets, and I’m funny which I’ll similar utilizing amended implicit the people of the evening. The 14 Pro has much of a “helps you instrumentality bully pictures with minimal effort” vibe, portion the S22 Ultra takes a maximalist “you privation cameras? here, person five” approach. The 10x zoom connected the Ultra has truly impressed maine successful the past, but I’m funny to spot however it holds up with glowing stadium lights and distant enactment connected the field.

Buildings and a timepiece  operation    successful  downtown Seattle.

A 10x zoom lets you instrumentality vantage of immoderate quality views of downtown connected the locomotion to the stadium. Taken with the S22 Ultra.

The 14 Pro doesn’t person the earthy telephoto scope of the S22 Ultra, but then, I similar however it processes photos successful wide amended than the S22. Will that marque it much utile overall? Or volition I beryllium annoyed by its constricted zoom range? I would person brought much phones, probably, but I’m constricted to what I tin transportation successful this fanny pack.

On apical of each that, the Mariners are coming disconnected a dismal roadworthy travel successful which they mislaid a drawstring of highly winnable games, casting an all-too-familiar shadiness of uncertainty connected our chances of snagging a chaotic paper spot. With astir a week near of regular play play, they can’t spend to suffer immoderate much casual games.

View from stadium implicit    Elliott Bay and Puget Sound.

Taken with the iPhone 14 Pro. We whitethorn person the longest moving playoff drought successful nonrecreational sports, but hey, look astatine the views from the stadium!

Before the crippled starts, I walk immoderate clip connected a 300-level pavilion with sweeping views of Elliott Bay and downtown Seattle. The aboriginal evening prima adjacent peeks done the “O” successful T-Mobile for a little Stonehenge-like moment. With the S22 Ultra’s 10x zoom, I tin get shots of the downtown skyline that the 14 Pro’s 3x zoom can’t touch. Even successful wide-angle shots, it captures item that the 14 Pro’s sound simplification would creaseless into oblivion. But past again, the Ultra’s photos of my Stonehenge infinitesimal person that cursed Thomas Kinkade over-HDRed look astir them, and I overmuch similar however the 14 Pro handles that situation. Win some, suffer some.

iPhone 14 Pro connected the left; S22 Ultra connected the right.

During the game, it’s a akin story: sometimes I similar the Ultra and sometimes the 14 Pro. Sure, getting a telephoto changeable from the stands of Seattle starting pitcher Robbie Ray’s transportation is chill successful theory, but the results aren’t precise inspiring. Highlights are blown retired and details are evidently lacking. It’s conscionable excessively challenging of a concern for this tiny sensor and lens.

I drawback a representation of my person modeling the included-with-ticket-purchase flannel garment with the 14 Pro; I similar its 2x representation focal magnitude amended than the 1x oregon 3x options Samsung provides, but it cuts astir her curly hairsbreadth clumsily. The S22 Ultra astir apt would person done amended with taxable isolation, but astatine that point, I’d made my person beryllium inactive agelong capable that I didn’t bother. I privation to beryllium wowed, but up against these (admittedly, precise challenging) conditions, they’re conscionable underwhelming.

<em>Taken with the Samsung S22 Ultra, 10x lens.</em><em>Taken with the Samsung S22 Ultra, 10x lens.</em><em>Taken with the Samsung S22 Ultra, 10x lens.</em><em>Taken with the iPhone 14 Pro, 3x lens.</em><em>Taken with the iPhone 14 Pro, 3x lens.</em><em>Taken with the iPhone 14 Pro successful  representation    mode.</em>


Taken with the Samsung S22 Ultra, 10x lens.

There’s not overmuch much excitement connected the field, either. The season’s breakout prima Julio Rodríguez is connected the injured list, and truthful seemingly is the remainder of the Mariners’ offense. I beryllium done a grueling 7 innings arsenic the Mariners manufacture zero runs and marque the Texas Rangers’ pitching look Cy Young-worthy. If nary of those words made consciousness to you, past conscionable cognize that the Mariners got unopen retired 5–0, and the crippled was each spot arsenic disappointing arsenic the people suggests.

I walked myself and my fanny battalion of phones backmost to the airy obstruction station, grateful for my flannel successful the aboriginal autumn evening air. A drawstring of losses successful precocious September shouldn’t enactment truthful overmuch of a damper connected what has different been an electrical season. The shot play is agelong and physically demanding — who tin reasonably expect a squad to support up a gait of improbable come-from-behind wins each the mode from commencement to finish?

Ten years ago, I wouldn’t person dreamed of getting these kinds of photos with a phone

Similarly, I consciousness a small blameworthy astir my disappointment with the 2 phones I tested retired that night. They’re some small technological marvels successful their ain mode — culminations of decades of advances successful mobile exertion and integer imaging. Ten years ago, I wouldn’t person dreamed of getting these kinds of photos with a telephone camera. I consciousness I ought to springiness them a small much credit, adjacent though they underperformed successful this peculiar situation.

They’re the champion of the champion (and should be, astatine implicit $1,000 each). The information they conflict nether these circumstances is lone due to the fact that cipher — not Apple, Samsung, oregon anyone other — has figured retired however to physique a smartphone camera that meets each need. If thing else, I person a caller lukewarm garment to deterioration as I perceive to the Mariners play done their remaining scheduled games from the comfortableness of home. The adjacent clip I be a crippled successful person, I mightiness person to interruption retired my dedicated camera and a telephoto lens. I conscionable person to fig retired however to get it into that stadium-security-approved fanny pack.